Astro Weekly #35

Astro 4.10 released, easier use of environment variables, set up Firebase Auth with Astro, using React Query with Astro

Greetings Astronauts,

It’s a bumper newsletter for you this week, with details on one of the biggest releases for Astro yet, all the details and recordings from Astro Together, plus a tease for The Future of Astro.

The Astro community has also been buzzing with incredible content this week; we have everything from Firebase Auth with Astro Actions, using React Query with Astro, view transitions, animate on scroll, and more!

Buckle up. Let’s get right into it!

This week in Astro ☄️

It’s one of the biggest releases yet

Astro 4.10 released ⚡️

Astro 4.10 is out with experimental type-safe environment variables, as well as updates to the Container API and Rewrites.

Astro 4.10 introduces a new experimental built-in module, astro:env, to allow easier use of environment variables.

Managing environment variables for different app configurations can be complex. astro:env aims to simplify this process by providing more control and structure over environment variables.

For a full breakdown of everything shipping with Astro 4.10, including embedding Astro in server frameworks, check out the official release post for all the details.

Astro Together on YouTube 🍿

The first of several talks from Astro Together have been published on YouTube. Tune in to hear from Astro core maintainers Matthew Phillips, Ben Holmes, and Sarah Rainsberger.

Astro mini-launch week 🚀

Astro is teasing details of “three big new features” coming to Astro later this year throughout the week in what has been dubbed The Future of Astro.

I’ll bring you full coverage of everything announced in next week’s newsletter, but if you can’t wait until then, keep an eye on Astro on X.

Boosters 🚀

Produce high-impact videos with Screen Studio

Create beautiful screen recordings in minutes with Screen Studio.

Screen Studio makes it easy to create engaging product demos, courses, tutorials, and social media videos.

Add automatic zoom on mouse actions, smooth mouse movement, and other powerful effects and animations.

Astro Community 🧑‍🚀

Set up Firebase Auth with Astro 🔥

It’s common for most modern web apps to require authentication. As developers, our choices usually boil down to rolling our own or reaching for a ready-made SaaS solution.

In this video, Chris Pennington demonstrates how to set up Firebase Auth with Astro using the experimental feature Astro Actions.

Trying to teach a cat to fetch

Using React Query with Astro 🔭

React Query excels in managing data fetching and state in React applications, but integrating it with Astro's unique component rendering can be challenging.

In this guide, Guilhermo Hounie simplifies the process using Nanostores instead of React Context inside an Astro project.

What else I’ve been reading this week 🤓

Check out these great posts from the Astro Community ↓

If you have something awesome you’d like to share with the Astro community, you can reach me at [email protected] or via DM on X

Astro on X 💫

What’s happening on Twitter X this week…

Astro Showcase 🤩

Check out these awesome projects from your fellow Astronauts.

Would you like your work to be featured in our Astro Showcase? Get in touch at [email protected] or DM me on X

Beyond the Astrosphere 🪐

What caught my eye outside of Astro this week…

  • Taking on Adobe as a solo founder — conversation with Screen Studio founder, Adam Pietrasiak, on the Make Lemonade podcast

  • Windstatic V2 — a free collection of aesthetically designed elements & layouts made with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js

  • Spaceman — a macOS app to view and rename Spaces / Virtual Desktops in the menu bar

That’s all we have time for this week, Astronauts.

See you for The Future of Astro in a future Astro Weekly.

Got something you’d like to share in next week’s newsletter? Reach out at [email protected] or via DM on X.

Safe explorations.

– Nathan 🧑‍🚀