Astro Weekly #34

Supercharge localization workflows with Lunaria, build faster with HTMX and Astro DB, receive expert advice on your Astro project

Hello Astronauts,

We're still eagerly awaiting the release of recordings and announcements from last week’s Astro Together event in Montreal. For those of us who couldn't attend in person, we hope Astro won’t keep us waiting too much longer!

In today’s newsletter, I’m excited to welcome a new sponsor.

Screen Studio is kindly supporting my plans to produce Astro Weekly video content in the months ahead. Stay tuned for more updates.

In the meantime, let’s check in with the Astroverse.

This week in Astro ☄️

Thank you, Nate 💜

Some bittersweet news to share this week:

Astro core maintainer Nate Moore has announced that he is moving on after three years of incredible dedication and hard work on Astro.

Nate was instrumental in shaping many of the features we love about Astro today, most notably the outstanding Astro CLI.

Please join me in expressing our gratitude towards Nate and wishing him well for whatever lies ahead. Thank you, Nate.

Boosters 🚀

Produce high-impact videos with Screen Studio

Create beautiful screen recordings in minutes with Screen Studio.

Screen Studio makes it easy to create engaging product demos, courses, tutorials, and social media videos.

Add automatic zoom on mouse actions, smooth mouse movement, and other powerful effects and animations.

Astro Community 🧑‍🚀

Astro Code Reviews with Astro DB ⭐️

In a recent livestream, Chris Pennington unveiled a fresh side project designed to accept code review submissions for Astro projects.

The stream is worth checking out as it also serves as an excellent learning resource for working with forms and Astro DB.

Perhaps I’ll consider submitting Astro Weekly v2 once it’s ready. 👀

That’s no moon. It’s Lunaria

Supercharge localization with Lunaria 🌙

Introducing Lunaria, a complete localization management toolchain built especially for open-source projects.

Born from the need to create a sustainable translation process for Astro documentation, Lunaria is a toolchain that supercharges your localization workflow by integrating with several parts of your project’s infrastructure.

For more details, check out the full announcement.

What else I’ve been reading this week 🤓

Check out these great posts from the Astro Community ↓

If you have something awesome you’d like to share with the Astro community, you can reach me at [email protected] or via DM on X

Astro on X 💫

What’s happening on Twitter X this week…

Astro Showcase 🤩

Check out these awesome projects from your fellow Astronauts.

Would you like your work to be featured in our Astro Showcase? Get in touch at [email protected] or DM me on X

Beyond the Astrosphere 🪐

What caught my eye outside of Astro this week…

  • Microcopy — short copy placeholder text for your projects

  • rcmd — switch Mac apps with just one key

  • Dead Simple Sites — the most minimal sites on the web

That’s it for this week, Astronauts.

Got something you’d like to share in next week’s newsletter? Reach out at [email protected] or via DM on X.

Until next time.

– Nathan 🧑‍🚀