Astro Weekly #33

Astro 4.9 introduces experimental Container API, Astro UI library launched, reaction to Astro Actions

What’s this? Astro Weekly on a Thursday?!

Apologies for the delay in this week’s newsletter, I’ve been tied up with another Astro project for a client launching very soon. More on that at a later date!

Elsewhere, Astronauts from around the world gathered in Montreal this past Tuesday for Astro Together. Details from the event are being kept a close-guarded secret for now, but I’m reliably informed that recordings of all talks and public announcements are expected to drop next week.

In the meantime, let’s check out what else is new with Astro.

This week in Astro ☄️

Contain your excitement for Astro 4.9

Astro 4.9 released ⚡️

Astro components can now feel at home outside of Astro with Astro 4.9.

Astro 4.9 introduces the experimental Container API, enabling Astro components to be rendered outside of an Astro app, which can be particularly useful when testing with frameworks such as Vitest.

The release also includes support for React 19, plus previously experimental features like CSRF protection and i18n domains support have been stabilized.

For all the details, refer to the Astro 4.9 release blog post.

Boosters 🚀

Final opportunity to save 20% with code ASTROWEEKLY20

Build Modern Websites with Astro is a hands-on course to teach you how to build websites using Astro, the all-in-one framework for the modern web.

Taught by James Q Quick, the course covers:

  • Astro components, Integrations, and Islands

  • Routing, Pagination, and SEO

  • Working with Content Collections, Markdown, and TypeScript

  • Server-side Rendering, Authentication, and Databases

  • Form Submissions and API Routes

  • Lots more!


Astro Weekly subscribers can save 20% with code ASTROWEEKLY20

Astro Community 🧑‍🚀

A quick reACTION to Astro Actions 🎬

Is Astro becoming more of a Next.js competitor?

James Q Quick has shared his initial thoughts on Astro Actions, introduced in Astro 4.8, and how it compares to similar functionality in Next.js.

Rapidly build your next Astro project

Astro UI library launched 🚀

Astro enthusiast and developer Sil Veltman has launched Fulldev UI — a UI library specifically built for Astro projects.

Fulldev UI focuses on building content-driven websites, rather than applications, and includes several common components at launch.

What else I’ve been reading this week 🤓

Check out these great posts from the Astro Community ↓

If you have something awesome you’d like to share with the Astro community, you can reach me at [email protected] or via DM on X

Astro on X 💫

What’s happening on Twitter X this week…

Astro Showcase 🤩

Check out these awesome projects from your fellow Astronauts.

Would you like your work to be featured in our Astro Showcase? Get in touch at [email protected] or DM me on X

Beyond the Astrosphere 🪐

What caught my eye outside of Astro this week…

That’s all for this week, Astronauts.

I’ll be back next week at the usual time on Tuesday.

Got something you’d like to share in next week’s newsletter? Reach out at [email protected] or via DM on X.

Until then, keep fixing those bugs.

Astro 4.9 introduces experimental Container API